32/64-Bit 80x86 Assembly Language Architecture – Details



“32/64-Bit 80x86 Assembly Language Architecture”

ISBN: 1-59822-002-0

Available from Wordware Publishing, Inc.

Barnes & Noble




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The Problems at the end of chapters

Due to the book being new and currently under consideration for use in University Upper Division Computer Science and Mathematics programs the answers are available on a case-by-case basis at this time. Requests will be honored for Educational Institutions as well as business. Please address these requests to:

[email protected]


Download Files:

BenchX86 (NoEXE).zip



1.51 MB

BenchX86-vc2005.zip (Chap. 3&4 only)



Note: I’ve modified only a couple chapters for use with the Visual Studio 2005. Use the differences to alter and get the other chapters to compile. Tools change over time and Visual Studio is no exception of that fact!




Thanks to Greg Lyon for discovering the download link for this book was unlinked.


My vector book had well over a year of development time and lots of polish. This book had a six month delivery schedule and I had a work crunch start during month five so it was not proofed or polished anywhere as near the vector book was. The information is all there, but there are mistakes. Despite some amateur pretending to be a reviewer under the name of J. Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, and slamming the book, you won’t find any book out there that covers AMD and Intel and to the depth that this book does.  Also, as I mention in this book, you should use it in conjunction with the Vector book as a set because they were designed to complement each other! 


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For book information, comments, etc.  Email contact:  [email protected]