James & Tina Leiterman

Thousand Oaks, California

The Family

The following pictures are at my home on Easter day in Thousand Oaks.

Easter 2019

Pre-egg hunt front yard picture. My four Grand kids are sitting with my youngest daughter (their aunt), and her dog Dio, and my cute small dog Fluffy (Actually the big white furry one!) We have 23 (two cubed) = eight children (now all adults) from my one and only marriage.

"Yep, we know what caused that now! Sorry, an old joke!"

Easter Lunch 2019

Egg hunt was hours ago. It is now Pizza lunch in the side yard. (Much easier than the usual Easter breakfast!) I am the camera person standing in the shade under the awning of my rv (mobile lab & office). One of the dads of two of the grand kids is sitting in the chair. The other dad of two had to leave earlier for work.

For years people keep asking, “are these all yours?

Well at least people keep saying I should write a book about life in such a big family! Especially, with all the interesting events and mishaps that occur in our uneventful lives! They say “into each life a little rain must fall”, but it frequently seems like typhoon season in my household.

One of my brothers and I are published authors. Here is an array of our books. Follow the link for more information!

My Technical Books

My Brother Robert’s Bigfoot Books

My Brother Robert’s ‘other’ Books

My brother Robert and I are both published authors. Click here, books for more information!

I typically joke about being a migratory engineer as my primary occupation is a Computer Software/Firmware Developer and those kinds of companies tend to have trouble staying in business and so as a family we moved a lot. But now with this new economy I have been going to other areas for work while those of the family that still live with the family stay put in Thousand Oaks, CA. (Since 2010 I’ve lived out of Hotel rooms in Arizona, Oregon and the San Francisco Bay Area.) For a peek at my career, see my Bio Sketch.

My E-Mail is  [email protected]